Action Required V1.3 Notes and Installation Instructions Introduction ------------ Action Required allows you to post single line reminder messages to yourself (or anyone else) via electronic mail. It sends a simple mail message with a subject line containing text you provide to any user you designate, via an SMTP server. You can specify a number of options to customize the program for your needs. Action Required is a Win32 program which has been tested on Windows NT 3.5, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows95. It also runs on Win16 with Win32s, if there is a TCP/IP stack that works with WinSock. Action Required was written in Microsoft Visual C++, V4.0. The latest version of Action Required may be found at: Installation ------------ The .zip file should contain: ar.exe: the executable ar.hlp: the help file ReadMe.txt: this file Make a directory and copy ar.exe, ar.hlp, and ReadMe.txt to the directory. The first time you run the program you'll find yourself staring at the preferences dialog. Click on the "Help" button for assistance in filling it out. Acknowledgments and Distribution Rights --------------------------------------- Action Required was written by Bob Beck (,, The binary of the program has been placed in the public domain. Please distribute it as widely as you like, as long as this file is sent with it. The SMTP client code in Action Required is based (with modification) on the public domain source code in Thanks to blat authors Mark Neal ( and Pedro Mendes ( for making this code available. The modifications have been returned to the authors for possible inclusion in a future version of blat. I hope you find this program as useful as I do. Please feel free to send comments, complaints, feature requests, etc. Bob Beck CIS: 71674,106 AOL: RDBeck February 10, 1996